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SOLD OUT Workshop: Looping with Birgit Moffatt

  • New Zealand Portrait Gallery Te Pūkenga Whakaata Shed 11, 60 Lady Elizabeth Lane Wellington New Zealand (map)

Looping workshop with artist Birgit Moffatt.



“This is a very meditative and tactile process. [It] is a fun technique that will allow you further exploration of materials.” - Birgit Moffatt, artist.

Learn the versatile technique of wire looping! In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn the technique of crocheting wire, called ‘looping’. Follow artist Birgit Moffatt as she teaches you how to delicately loop thin wire around sturdy natural objects, creating personal petit taonga that you can take home with you. A meditative and fun technical practice, this workshop is a great opportunity to engage with a unique artistic skill whilst being surrounded by beautiful portraits painted by Star Gossage, in Star Gossage: He Tangata The People, our summer exhibition for 2020-2021.

Special Holiday Season Promotion. Enter at checkout for discount on ticket price: NZPGHOLIDAY11

All materials provided in ticket cost.

Bring your camera or pen and paper for notes if you wish.

Adults only.

About the Artist:

Birgit Moffatt is a German practicing artist, who has called New Zealand/Aotearoa her new home since she moved from her birth town of Berlin to the lower part of the North Island in 2011.

Coming to New Zealand was not only a change in culture, location and lifestyle but also the beginning of her creative adventure that eventually lead to an artistic career path.

In 2017 she received the Bachelor of Applied Arts majoring in textiles. Birgit is currently working out of her studio where she creates art for galleries and exhibitions and also frequently runs workshops.